Meet the Team

Meet the team from left to right

Rusty and Dawn Childers- Married for 13 years with 3 pups of their own... 2 blue pits and a bully puppy. Their passion is their fur babies. On down time they love lake trips and Gamecock football!


In the middle is Kim Cooper aka Momma (Mother to Rusty and Kasey)- She's the hardest and most dedicated working lady you'll meet. She has 4 pups of her own... 3 small pups and a beagle. Fun fact she also has 4 cows in her back yard.  She works full time with the kennels.  She recently left behind 15 years of employment at a nearby farm working with turkeys, horses, hogs, and cows.


Lee and Kasey Seckinger- Married for 9 years with 4 pups of their own... 3 bullies and a Shih Tzu.  They also have 2 kiddos in the house. House full huh? The kennel facility is located at their home. Any spare time is spent with your fur babies.


As you see it's a family business, it takes a village but we're enjoying this new adventure and can't wait to meet you all!!